Camera system not working or partially working
I'm missing part of my cameras
If some of the cameras are not working and some are, it is probably the power supply system of the camera system. For security reasons, our camera systems are designed so that each segment is powered by a separate power supply. Therefore, it is very likely that the problem is in the power supply system for the non-functioning part of the cameras. We recommend checking the wiring, connectors and swapping the power supply for a new one.
The recording device does not work at all, it just restarts or the hard drive is not visible
Again, the power supply from the recorder may be to blame. It may be damaged by overvoltage, induction, or just plain old and tired. We recommend replacing the power supply with a new one with the appropriate specifications and possibly testing the recorder without the hard drive plugged in. If the recorder works with the new power supply and without the hard drive, connect the hard drive (without the power supply connected) and test with the hard drive. If the device does not work with the disk, the hard disk may be damaged. Note: If you will be checking the output of the power supply by measuring, keep in mind that the results may be incorrect when measuring "blank". This does not mean that the power supply will operate correctly under load.