Where to place the security camera
- If you have the option, connect your camera to the system and test the longer cable to see if the chosen location is really suitable and then start the installation. If you don't have this option, climb up a ladder to the desired camera location and check that nothing will interfere with the camera just by looking. Alternatively, take a photo with your mobile phone and then assess whether the location is suitable and you can see everything you want to see.
- Choose a security camera with the appropriate parameters for your project.
- Calculate with the given camera focal length and choose a camera with the right lens/angle .
- Choose a location with an unobstructed view so that nothing is in the way (eaves, lightning rods, ledges, etc.). Otherwise, you may have a
nighttime illumination problem.
- Place the camera high enough so that it can't be easily destroyed, if you don't have this option choose a DOME type camera which is more "antivandal".
- If you have nowhere to hide the connection of the power cord and the camera cable, buy the appropriate cable box for the camera.
Choosing the right location for a security camera is not difficult, it is mainly a matter of imagination combined with the requirements of the surveillance area.
Sample of a camera with a focal length of 2.8mm and a resolution of 8.0Mpx