WIFI IP camera configuration
Camera shutdown
Connect the camera to an appropriate power supply.
Cable connection to existing network
In the first stage of configuration, the wireless IP camera must be connected via patch cable to the LAN (to the router) and follow the same procedure as for the wired IP camera to enter its configuration web interface.
Finding and adding a WIFI network
In the web configuration, go to "Settings" > "Advanced Settings" and "WIFI" tab and click the search button. From the list of found WIFI networks, select the one you want to log the camera to.
Then fill in the password (key) for the selected WIFI network at the bottom of the screen. When the DHCP option is checked, the camera will automatically be assigned an IP address from the router's DHCP server. If you do not select this option, you can set the camera's network parameters manually (for experts). Clicking the "Save " button will remember the entered data and the camera will log on to the network wirelessly.
Successful login to the WIFI network is displayed by refreshing the page after about 20s after saving, when the system displays the successful login to the selected network.
If you want to monitor the camera on a mobile phone or computer remotely (over the Internet), the WIFI network must be connected to the Internet.